CISCO Catalyst Command List
###################### Supervisor Module #######################
1. Cisco Systems Console
1) 초기 접속 화면
Enter password:
2) 관리자 모드
Console> en
Enter password:
3) 모니터 명령어 (show)
Console> (enable) sh ?
2.시스템 상태 확인
1)시스템 상태
Console> (enable) sh system
2)모듈 상태
Console> (enable) sh module
3) Version 확인
Console> (enable) sh version
4) Flash File 보기
Console> (enable) sh flash
5) 시스템 IP Address 확인
Console> (enable) sh int
3. 구성 정보 확인
1) Vlan 구성
Console> (enable) sh vlan
2) Traffic 확인
Console> (enable) sh port mac
3) 포트 상태 확인
Console> (enable) sh port 5/1
4) 포트별 MAC Address 확인
Console> (enable) sh cam dy
5) 전체 Configuration 확인
Console> (enable) sh conf
4. 구성 변경
1) Password 변경
Console> (enable) set passwor
2) Enable Password 변경
Console> (enable) set enablepass
3) Vlan 구성 변경
Console> (enable) set vlan
Usage: set vlan <vlan_num> <mod/ports...>
(An example of mod/ports is 1/1,2/1-12,3/1-2,4/1-12)
Usage: set vlan <vlan_num> [name <name>] [type <type>] [state <state>]
[said <said>] [mtu <mtu>] [ring <ring_number>]
[bridge <bridge_number>] [parent <vlan_num>]
[mode <bridge_mode>] [stp <stp_type>]
[translation <vlan_num>] [backupcrf <off|on>]
[aremaxhop <hopcount>] [stemaxhop <hopcount>]
(name = 1..32 characters, state = (active, suspend)
type = (ethernet, fddi, fddinet, trcrf, trbrf)
said = 1..4294967294, mtu = 576..18190, ring_number = 0x1..0xfff
bridge_number = 0x1..0xf, parent = 2..1005, mode = (srt, srb)
stp = (ieee, ibm, auto), translation = 1..1005
hopcount = 1..13)
예) Console>(enable) set vlan 10 9/20-21
-> vlan 10에 9/20-21포트 추가
(기존에 vlan10이 존재하지 않는 경우도 따로 vlan10을
만들지 않고 그대로 포트 추가 명령어만 적용하면 vlan도
생성 됩니다 )
################# Router Switch Module(RSM) ######################
1. 라우터 모듈로 세션 연결
Console> (enable) ses 3
Trying Router-3...
Connected to Router-3.
Escape character is '^]'.
User Access Verification
1) 초기 접속 모드
2) 관리자 모드
2. 라우터 버젼 확인
Router#sh ver
3. 라우터 전체 configuration 확인
Router#sh conf
4. Vlan Interface 정보
1) Vlan 전체 정보
Router#sh int
2) Vlan Interface 요약 정보
Router#sh ip int brief
5. 라우팅 정보 확인
1) 전체 라우팅 테이블
Router#sh ip route
2) 라우팅 요약 정보
Router#sh ip route sum
6. 구성 변경
1) Config Mode로 들어가기
Router#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CTRL/Z.
2) Config Mode에서 나오기
Router(config)#^z 또는 Router(config)#exit
3) VTY Password 변경
Router#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Router(config)#line vty 0 4
Router(config-line)# password XXXXXX
4) Enable Password 변경
Router#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Router(config)#enable password XXXXXX
5) Vlan IP Address 변경
Router(config)#int vlan 10
Router(config-if)#IP address
6) Configuration 저장
Building configuration...
%SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by vty1 (
1. Xylan switch session 연결
1) 라우터에서
Trying xylan ( Open
Welcome to the Xylan OmniSwitch! Version 3.0.1
2) PC 에서
Welcome to the Xylan OmniSwitch! Version 3.0.1
3) Login
Welcome to the Xylan OmniSwitch! Version 3.0.1
login : admin
Xylan OmniSwitch - Copyright (c), 1994,1995,1996,1997 XYLAN Inc.
All rights reserved.
System Name: no_name
System Location: ._051-465-2645,7
Command Main Menu
File Manage system files
Summary Display summary info for VLANs, bridge, interfaces, etc.
VLAN VLAN management
Networking Configure/view network parameters such as routing, etc.
Interface View or configure the physical interface parameters
Security Configure system security parameters
System View/set system-specific parameters
Services View/set service parameters
Switch Enter Any to Any Switching Menu
Help Help on specific commands
diag Display diagnostic level commands
Exit/Logout Log out of this session
? Display the current menu contents
2. 시스템 상태 확인
3. 모듈 상태 확인
4. VLAN 구성 확인
5. Port 확인
6. 라우팅 정보 확인
7. ARP Table 확인